Friday, September 24, 2010

When Will I See You Again?

Off for 3 days of Girl Scout camping. With no showers. And my period. And an obsessive fear of contracting lice.


  1. Oh, my. I hope you earn a special badge for this kind of adventure!

  2. for real. i hope there is a special badge… no showers and a period… hope they have vodka!! (sorry, just kidding. i meant tequila!)

  3. Fingers crossed that you have a lice-and vomit-free weekend! Report back snappy, okay?!

  4. This does NOT sound fun. Can't you just drag an air mattress onto your lawn and pretend? At least bring lots of Advil. (Oh, yes, you're there. If there are no showers, I'm guessing no wi-fi, so we'll hear all about it when you return.) Hope you didn't contract lice and didn't get rained on.

  5. Last time I did that I PLANNED it with a friend and we totally swore we would NEVER DO IT AGAIN.

    May the force be with you - you crazy wench

  6. You so deserve a weekend at the spa after this!

  7. It'll be great! Itchy and uncomfortable, and maybe a little crampy, but great! Nothing a few s'mores can't fix.


  8. oh my goodness. I hope to see you on the other side.

  9. You're a saint. Can't wait for the stories.

  10. I'm with the first commentor here. You should get some sort of badge for this. A 'this sucks but I'm here anyway' badge maybe?
