Thursday, September 2, 2010

Rock Me Like A Hurricane

Not sure about that title, because I think it's "Rock You Like a Hurricane," and for all I know it could be something totally different, like "Sock it to the Weather vane." I have zero luck with song lyrics, having always thought "Love in an Elevator" was "Lovin' it in Latifah"-- whatever that might mean. My kids are fortunate I'll have not a clue whether lyrics are trashy or not. Have heard a tad about what "Poker Face" means, but that's fodder for yet another post...

Anyway, our beach vacation ended abruptly because of the impending hurricane. We had 3 1/2 days before we were evacuated. Thought I'd share vacation tidbits:

Found several reasons to reconsider an end of August beach rental. While hurricane season is one, the grunge factor of a beach house that's been rented all summer long weighed in as well. Not that there's anything wrong with flicking crusty boogs off of the pillows, and wondering what had happened on and under and around the covers all summer long... but it gave me the heebie jeebies-- big time.

Got a great picture of the kids frolicking directly on the bare mattress of a rental bed. Nice. Haven't seen any signs of lice or bedbugs yet. It took me about 3.25 days to get desensitized to the ick factor and just start enjoying, at which time a knock at the door informed us to start packing and hit the road.

I realize beach vacations are not the time to diet, but it makes it hard not to think about it when one's beach clothes don't fit. I dug up my "Mother's Journal" in which I was trying to journal once a year(!) about my kids, hoping I'd catch up while on vacation. First bummer: the most recent entry was 2006. Second bummer: I found a chart inside that showed the last time I was at my current weight, I was 19 weeks pregnant. Yay! Pass the mojitos and chips.

I have some cute beach pics of the kids to share but they'll have to wait until the camera battery charges. At around 10 pm (hour 6 of our drive home) the kids started making crazy home movies in the back seat. This was preferable to the fighting of the first 2 hours, so I let them drain the battery.

In all, the trip was excellent, albeit much too short. Beautiful weather (not a cloud in the sky!), great friends, late night card games, and plentiful hush puppies made for a terrific time.

Each trip must have a catch-phrase or defining image, and I'll leave you with ours, which surprisingly, is NOT Hurricane Earl related.

During a rousing game of Apples to Apples, in which Molly got both the words "smudge" and "hairy," she started parading around the house singing, "My smudge is hairy, my smudge is hairy!" No clue what that means, but it was hi-larious and rather catchy. Seriously. By the next day, we were all singing it.

Maybe it was time to come home.


  1. Oh, Anna, I'm sorry that Earl shortened your vacation! No fair!!!

  2. Ugh Anna! That totally stinks about your vacation being cut short. Although we were lucky to have survived our two weeks of togetherness at the beach. And I agree about the dirty rental houses. This was our first time renting in August and I am honestly not sure I would do it again.

  3. Hurricane George chased us out of N'Awlins on our honeymoon back in the day. We spent hours glued to the Weather Channel tracking it instead of hours being glued to each other. Alas.

    And poor you. Pillow boogs? Yuck!


  4. That is hilarious - not cutting the trip short, but the smudge being hairy part. Funny!

  5. I have no idea what Apples to Apples is, but I'm pretty sure the phrase "My Smudge is hairy" could become internationally famous.

    It'll probably pop up in a Lady Ga Ga song at some stage but we'll all know Molly said it first.


    Girl, it's going through my head over and over and over now.

    Livin' it up while I'm going down.....

    And I thought that song couldn't get any better. Boy was I wrong.

  7. Oh please? Who is heavy at 19 weeks pregnant. That's not a startling benchmark. One has just gotten over morning sickness at 19 weeks. Cut yourself some slack, I just did and it was easy!

    As for the boogies and the lice, you can't gross me out, I teach fourth grade. Okay, well, maybe you can a little bit.

  8. I'm already haunted by the idea of the beach house bed. So haunted I fear a string of sequels!

  9. Awe man... an evac? That just stinks! Glad you had a fun few days. Even happier to hear that my daughters aren't the only ones who bicker in the car!

  10. I love Apples to Apples! We played it on our family vacation too. But ours didn't get cut short (sorry about that) because there aren't too many hurricanes on the Washington coast! :-)

  11. Apples to Apples IS a great game. try "Time's Up" it is THE greatest party game. It sounds rather ho-hum, but we are a game playing family and this is the best game ever.

  12. Oh that is a major bummer -- so sorry to hear about your vacation. I would be in catatonic depression. Blame my Dad...his name is Earl.

    Good point about renting a beach house in August though -- grody to the max!

  13. Don't feel bad, I thought "Our Lips Are Sealed" by the Go-Go's was "I Love Cecille."

  14. sorry your vacay got cut short. maybe if your smuge wasn't so hairy they wouldn't have asked you to leave.
    eeeww on the skank of a late summer rental. something i'll consider next time we do one of those things.
    glad you have fun with the time you had there. and if that's how you look when your 19 weeks pregnant, you used to be a stick in your previous life. you look beautiful!

  15. oh God, I can totally relate to the "ick" factor thing. I'm not good with rentals. I barely like hotel rooms.
