Friday, April 30, 2010

Monday Can't Come Soon Enough

So I'd LOVE to tell you that all is well in the See house, but that would be a lie.

Jake and I are home today with the stomach bug, and even the dog has been barfing, thanks to our neighbors who like to leave food out "for the animals."

The fact that it is once again Friday is not lost on me. Looking back at our recent weekends we've had:

1. Anna and kids out of town.
2. Tom's sister, brother-in-law and 5 kids in town.
3. Molly's strep--- Urgent Care
4. Molly's Scarlet Fever and Puking--- ER. Tom out of town
5. Anna and Jake Sick

And next weekend, drum roll please:

6. Tom's parent in town!

These 6 weekends can be interpreted in many ways-- missed soccer games, sleepovers, and trips to the zoo. From a 40 year old male's perspective, it means that Tom has not and will not be celebrating intimacy with his wife anytime soon.

And although I feel too weak to write a long post today, I have a question to leave with my bloggy friends.

When a blog has a giveaway, does it strike any of you as a little...awkward... to read the comments:

"Enter Me!"

"Enter Me Please!"

Okay. See you when the fever breaks.


  1. Wow. That's a lot of company. You are a brave woman. Hang in there.

  2. HA! Well, last night Hubby and I were taking a drive in the PA countryside and listening to the radio. An ad came on from a local station for a restaurant that wanted you to order "Intercourse's famous Sausage Sandwich'! Accidents can happen that way.

  3. I agree...I never know what to write for the giveaways, which is why I don't really compete. :) Channel your inner Beyonce..."I'm a survivor!"--this should get you through the busy weeks.

  4. I am very impressed that you manage to be funny even when the world is collapsing round you and your barf bucket. So, so, sorry you are sick!!

  5. I am trying to resist leaving "thats what she said" on here but clearly I have to.

    Feel better!! We just went through the nasties and ER visits and Strep and... yuck.

  6. 1. It depends on the blog and if they asked an interesting question as part of the giveaway.

    2. So sorry about the stomach bug, you should get a pass on sickness for at least five years after the recent insanity at your house.

    3. I will be praying for you and your in-laws next weekend. :)

  7. So sorry you are sick. Wow you have had a week from h----. So sorry sending you a hug

  8. Oh that's awful! Hope you're better soon. My condolences to Tom.

  9. Ugh, I hope you feel better! What a nightmare!

    What makes me uncomfortable is when people lay out an entire sob story in their comments, involving lost jobs and dead relatives, and then you feel guilty that didn't pick them to win the tan-in-a-can.

  10. Ugh, that sounds awful! I have to admit if I were in your shoes I'd be feeling more sorry for myself about the in-laws coming than the puking (and I would rather break my arm than puke...perspective).

    Regarding the giveaways comments I must say that---though once such seemingly innocuous one-liners would have been lost on me---I can't understand how people do not recognize that what they are writing has such a blatant other meaning. Word choice people. Maybe I just have a dirty mind...

  11. Before you know it school will be out and it'll be summer! Hang in there, I've definitely been in your shoes.

  12. Oh Anna, I'm so sorry you're not feeling well. And boy you have had a busy few weekends....and still more to come. Well all I can say is please try to get some rest and hope you feel better soon. Hang in there...Anyway, just wanted to stop by and thank you for your comment the other day. I hope you come and visit me again soon. Oh, I just read your "About Me" are too funny. Sounds like you have an awesome sense of that. Hope you have a wonderful weekend ;-)

    Hugs and Smiles,
    ♥Ana~A Petite Cottage

  13. "Enter me"....ha! That's hilarious. The "please" is very polite. That's a nice touch.

    I hope you feel better soon. :)

  14. I am so very sorry you are sick. And what a bad streak of luck. Maybe you'll be healthy the rest of the year! Let's hope.
    And yes, the comments are awkward. I often don't read the comments anyway.

  15. I am impressed you got this post up with all that going on. With me, the blogging seems to be the first thing to get put to the side.

    Hope you feel better soon!

  16. that's awful! Hope you're better soon. My condolences to Tom.
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