Friday, February 26, 2010

That Sounds So Judge-y; Shouldn't We Use A Proper Name?

During the recent snow happenings around here, we became concerned about ice damming and flooding. We had some water come in our kitchen window, Jake's room, Tom's and my window, and leave a spot on Molly's ceiling. Tom made a valiant effort to move the mounds of snow away from the foundation of the house, and to clean off the roof. One solution he read about and tried was to fill pantyhose with ice melting pellets and put them on the roof near the gutters.

I kind of cracked up when I discovered he had GONE OUT IN THE SNOW to Rite-Aid to buy the pantyhose. I mean, he certainly hasn't seen me wear any in the last decade or so, but I do have a few pairs tucked away in the archives. I guess my kids have never seen me wear any either.

Anyway, the pantyhose thing appears to have worked, and for that I am grateful!

Last night I was snuggling with Molly and we looked out the window of her room onto the roof.


"I hate my view. Other people have views of the ocean, or the woods, or a beautiful sunset. All I get is a dirty old Panty Ho."

I told her I believed they were called Pantyhose, but she wasn't buying it.

"It's a Panty Ho and I'm sick of it!"

Here's hoping you have a delightful weekend, free of encounters with any Panty Ho's.


  1. Oh my lord you make me laugh out loud!

    We received our coffee yesterday, drank it today, and we'll be smiling all the way through the weekend. Thanks so much!

  2. If I had to look at a panty ho out my window, I'd complain too. I feel your pain, Molly-kins.


  3. I like panty ho, better than old regular ho.

  4. I am resisting all jokes about "ho's" and panty hose... = )

    This cracked me up! I guess it's probably not the best view ever. haha!

  5. Dang. You guys are smarter than we are. I sent my hubster up on a ladder to chip at the ice in the gutters; but that Panty Ho idea is genius!

    Here's to, perhaps, the last snow storm of the season!

  6. I will avoid Panty Ho's at all costs.

    You have a great, warm, snuggly weekend.

  7. My daughter's nickname is Ho ..seriously. It's not what you think, but too long to explain in a comment . Needless to say her nickname came about before Ho became a popular slang word.

    I'm fascinated by all things snow because we dont get any. Im trying to visualise why the panty-ho need to be hanging off the roof...and I'm failing.

  8. I'm dying Panty Ho!!!!

    Hope you have a lovely snowed in weekend!

  9. We had an ice dam, too, and some leakage in our living room.... boo on that. We didn't try the panty-ho idea.... maybe next time! (Although I can't imagine why it was hanging down into view either??)

  10. Good to know, that whole ice dam/gutter solution. I love that your hubby didn't even bother to ask if you had an old pair of panty "ho's," or that your daughter doubted that you might know a little something about that particular undergarment....

  11. I have never heard of that solution! I'll have to share that with my husband.

    And your daughter cracks me up! :)

  12. Just 'found' your site. What a great post!

  13. Ha! I have always hated them panty ho's!!

  14. NY POST HEADLINE: "A Panty ho destroyed my marriage!"

  15. Just goes to show, it takes all kinds. Some hos like Paris and Brittany may not wear panties - but plenty of others do.

  16. You could have told her Hos don't wear panties....hehehehe.

  17. Bwahahaha! Those panty ho's ruin everything. Even the view.

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  19. I 'found your blog yesterday linked from kaylaaimee, and I am LOVING it! Your writing style is so fantastic. I decided to start right at the beginning and this is where I'm up to so far. So, even though this post was like a million years ago, I decided to chip in to comment :-) I'm from england. And knowing your aversion to the word 'panty' I thought I would give you the interesting information that we call panty hose 'tights' here. So maybe you could pretend to be British and call them tights and then you wouldn't have to say 'panty' :-) I'm looking forward to continuing reading. I've done NOTHING today other than read your blog. Seriously. And it's been bliss. I'll comment when I reach the most recent post, which might be in a few days time!
