Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Way to Represent

I know posting twice in one day might be a little over the top for me (it's feast or famine you know), but I simply must process the events of this evening.

Jake went to a Boy Scout event at a local church. The point was to introduce current Cub Scouts to the wonders of Boy Scouting, should they choose to move up next year. They played games and learned about scouts. Then they broke up into small groups, with a Group Leader (older boy) supposedly sharing what to expect.

Jake's group was led by a boy who claimed to be a vampire. After telling the kids he hated them, he said he was going to suck their blood. Then he proceeded to swear at them, using, as Jake said, "The S-word, The B-word, and the F-word." Nice.

Note to Boy Scouts of America: You may want to reconsider your choice of spokesperson. And here I thought Nike and Tag Heuer had a hard sell with Tiger Woods.


  1. Absolutely, incredibly disappointed.
    My husband, who was a scout all through high school, is appalled.
    My grandmother who worked as a secretary for the Boy Scouts for 20 years -- and whose funeral was attended by scouts of all ages in uniform -- is probably rolling over in her grave.

    Please, please, please do not judge the scouts by this young man... perhaps not even by his troop.

    And, to the parent of this young man... please quit forcing him to be a member of the scouts!!!

  2. oh my gaw!
    I know I'm not supposed to laugh but that had me rolling on the floor.

    Did this kid have his goth make-up on? Did he have those dime-sized ring holes in his ears for earrings?

    That kid is bizarre. And, I'm usually okay with bizarre. I've taught high school, after all. But, role modeling by telling kids you hate them? Uh, no.

  3. Oh dear....I am sure that they weren't from our church---we have a great scouting program---my hubby is one of the leaders. So sorry he had that terrible experience....

  4. Oh my. I bet the scout leader and the others in charge would be devastated to know this. And I also think you should tell them.

  5. Oh, I don't know.
    The Boy Scouts of America have a long and sordid history of religious and homosexual discrimination. Major supporters have withdrawn their support of the organization over the years over these issues. Sounds like your son got a relatively realistic view the Boy Scouts. (Not nice to your young son, though. I am not condoning that older brat he met.) You might want to check out BSA's real history a little more yourself...

  6. Seriously, I hope you send this or a similar note to their troop leader. So disappointing! UGH!

  7. Wow, this Twilight craze is reaching new highs (or lows) if even your local Boy Scout troop has vampires. That boy has obviously not role-modeled himself after well-bred Edward, who has impeccable manners and self-control.


  8. Anna, I am so sorry and I know that what happened to your son is awful, but I also think it is one of the funniest things I have heard in a very,very long time.
    also, i apologize on behalf of my son. he was clearly having a bad day.

    thanks for the laugh, Anna. (In the middle of a silent book store.)

  9. What the what? Are you serious? I swear, Anna -- only your son would get the unhinged boy scout with anger management issues as a group leader. Ugh. Sorry for you (and Jake).

  10. Just wanted to let you know that Tom (who is an asst. scout leader) contacted the troop leader to let him know about last night's incident.

  11. When my son went to such a meeting 12 years ago, the dirty nails, greasy hair, and B.O. in that church basement had me gagging.

    I left feeling bad about the Scouts, and I know that was snap judgment. But I gotta tell you, I was relieved when he decided (on his own) that Scouting was not for him.

    No F-bombs required...

  12. anna, after reading everyone else's comments, i think i was supposed to find this story horrifying instead of hilarious. im sorry, i really really hope i didn't offend you.

    maybe i wouldn't laugh if it was my son. right away at least.


  13. That boy sounds . . . hmmm. Lovely? That sounds like a scene from "The Office" and sounds like something Dwight Shrute might do.

    The kids will never forget that. And one day they will laugh (I think.)

    Things like this happen to make you appreciate your own child more. Because at the end of the day - Jake is your son and not that little vampire.

  14. i rescind my apology. craig and i have read this post together FIVE times and it never gets old. i've never read a blogger's post to him, but neither of us can get enough of this one. last night before bed,he told me he hated me and was going to suck my blood, just in honor of your post.
    thanks anna.

  15. No! That's crazy. I wonder what the backlash has been. And I wonder if that was his agenda...
