Tuesday, November 17, 2009

And This is Progress?

Heck yeah.

I am happy to report that my son just ate a Little Debbie Swiss Cake Roll!

Thank you, Jesus!


  1. Yeah! I know how much that means after everything the last few weeks.


  2. If he needs a little more weight, I have plenty of tonnage to share.

    Glad he's eating a little bit better!!

  3. That's great news! Baby steps.

  4. That's wonderful.........now he is sucked in to the goodness of "Little Debbie". Eat some for me, please.

  5. That is such good news!

    I too had one of those torturous devices on my palate back in the day. Pushing that key back was the absolute worst. It makes me tense up just thinking about it. Ugh, I'm all of 40, but it seems like yesterday. (Maybe don't let Jake read this comment : )


  6. Sweet!

    (sorry for the bad pun, but it was HONESTLY the first thing that popped into my head!)

  7. Thanks for the console table suggestion on my blog! Sorry to hear about your son's eating. I feel your pain. My 2 year old does not like to eat, period! It doesn't matter what we give him. I get so sick of people telling me that he'll eat when he's hungry! As for the door I would paint the trim around white to go with the storm door if you have to keep it and then do the door inside and out black. I just painted the inside of my front door black and love it. I am tempted to do every interior door in the house!

  8. i've been gone from blogging so long i don't know what's going on, but i hope everything is ok.... yeah swiss rolls!

  9. I so just ate two of those, but my butt totally didn't need them!

  10. I so just ate two of those, but my butt totally didn't need them!

  11. Congratulations Anna! Before you know it, he'll be *begging* for twinkies.

  12. My daughter went through this just a year or so ago. Lots of mashed potatoes and smoothies were her answer. Good luck.

  13. Yay!! Those hurt and they are really uncomfortable to eat with - I'm glad he's adjusting.

    Also, maybe I missed it, but what about milk shakes??
