Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Smart Girl

I complimented Molly on the fact that not only is she intelligent, but she also has high E Q.

Molly: What do you mean?

Anna: Well, you notice people. If you meet someone, you usually remember his or her name. You observe whether people are making good and bad decisions. You are good at getting yourself out of situations that make you uncomfortable.

This is because you have high ‘EQ.’ I think it will help you as you get older if you are with people who are about to make a bad choice.

Oh! You mean like if they say, “Let’s steal a van and do graffiti and go into those big drainpipes to eat Pixie Sticks. And, by the way, someone better bring the extra cigarettes.”
Exactly, Molly. Exactly.


  1. And a fabulous imagination. Extra cigarettes - hilarious.

  2. Clever girl. Exactly is right, now could she please be my kids' best friend and keep them in line?

  3. Intelligent and cute as a button!

  4. oh, she's brilliant!! does she do seminars for 18 year olds?

  5. I'm totally cracking up here! What a gem!

  6. Someone hacked the TiVo password to CSI Miami.

  7. Very funny :)
    Had Jeff laughing, too.

  8. OH MY GOSH she has been watching too much Powerpuff girls.

  9. She's such a cutie. And that's a terrific quote. I wish I did needlepoint. Although, I do think hanging out in a drainpipe eating Pixie Sticks is what all the cool kids did while I read Heinlein.
