Sunday, December 7, 2008

Perplexing Postage

Is it just me, or is this new papaya postcard stamp vaguely disturbing?

Maybe between Lamaze classes and my gyno's office, I've seen one too many posters over the years.

All I know is, whatever she's got, I don't want it.


  1. This made me laugh out loud. Very much needed comic relief! As a sufferer of unknown maladies of the reproductive system, I have these strange jealous feelings at the sight of all of those pink breast cancer items. For some reason the "save the boobies" bumper stickers really get me. I have bizarre sensations of envy for breast cancer victims because people notice their problem, offer sympathy, and help them laugh instead of cry.

    I have an appointment in a couple of weeks... been suffering symptoms that suggest my remaining ovary is trying to bail out as my uterus and other ovary already have.
    I realize this may sound completely twisted.. but thank you, thank you!

  2. GROSS! You are so funny. Is it a Georgia O'Keeffe?

  3. You last line was GREAT!

    Me neither. LOL :)

  4. Ok, my husband just laughed his head off at that!! Thanks for the giggle!

  5. As soon as I saw the picture, I was thinking, surely they didn't print a stamp like that. I don't want it either!

  6. That is one disturbing stamp. I see the wrong thing in pictures all the time. I'm relieved to know I am not the only one.

  7. LOL!

    I'm with Kate - Georgia would be so proud!

    That reminds me, I'm about 9 months late for my annual appointment.


  8. HOnestly, I don't know what the fascination is with Papaya and Pomegrante, and other exotic fruits these days. They certainly aren't STAMP worthy.


  9. I'm laughin', I'm cryin', I love it!

  10. Definitely looks like a uterus full of of the nasties..... the cooties....... or maybe just little alien baby pods????

    I wonder if THAT'S what I could catch for a toilet seat at the mall???

  11. Ewwww too gross. And your commentary is too funny, as usual! Hope you're enjoying your vacation!

  12. Kay. I'm hooked. LOVE you already.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I thought the SAME THING as soon as I scrolled down and saw it !!! LOLOL !!

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. That is funny!

    I read your blog because of Glennon. Whenever she directs me here, and I cry...every time! Your grace, your strength, your perspective is inspirational, beautiful, amazing and petrifying. I fear your tragic nightmare like every parent does. And it breaks my heart that it ever happens to anyone. And normal, everyday people trying to do more harm then good. (I use the word normal loosely). I fear reading too many blog posts will make bad things happen (unreasonable, right?) but feeling and sharing your heartache does seem quite the right thing to do.

    I read your latest post and tears just ran down my face. And then instead of running away like I usually do I wanted to get to know you more. And it turns out sometimes you're just funny. I laughed here too! The blogosphere is place where good people seem to hang. Wishing you peace and more peace and continued laughter! And thank you for sharing.

