Friday, October 30, 2015

The Sonogram

I have a new article featured on BonBon Break about our first sonogram appointment and making room for love. You'll find it here.


  1. That was beautiful piece. Love and loss are not exclusive and there is so much more room for love.

    Despite the worries and unknowns that come with expecting a baby, I loved being pregnant. The time of joyful hope is unlike anything else I've experienced in my life. I hope the ups and downs of pregnancy are mostly ups for you!

  2. What a beautiful article/story! I am newly pregnant myself, 9 weeks, at age 44 with two older children (15) and (13). I ask myself many of the same questions as you are. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings to those questions!

  3. It IS a heart! It's a wink, it's a sign--it has to be. And, oh my gosh, Anna, your writing! It just floors me.


  4. Anna, I have been absent from reading blogs for a while. My good friend, Mandy, linked to this piece. All I can say is, HOLY COW and congratulations! Your article is lovely, and your family is beautiful. So happy for all of you.
    -Claire R.-

  5. Thank you for sharing this. Such a peaceful, silent testament of love in bloom, that little one of yours. May the Lord bless you all richly over the next few months till he is born--to be cherished and celebrated. Karen L.

  6. I have been away from the blogosphere for awhile, but a recent sighting of a beautiful hummingbird made me think of Jack and your family. I am SO happy to learn about your pregnancy and I want to send my good wishes and love from San Luis Obispo, CA.

  7. Currently, I'm listening to Rare Bird......and what a great testimony to faith. I'm still pretty early into it, and still your words have already spoken to me several times in regards to my own struggles. Thank you for telling your story.

  8. What a wonderful article! Your writing amazes me. Congrats! Enjoy your week!

  9. I held my breath as I read this.
    My own heart beat hard.

    Nothing is impossible.

  10. What heartfelt, beautiful writing. Thank you for sharing your life with us. Wishing you peace, love and rest:)
