Tuesday, February 18, 2014

A Gift for Yourself or Someone You Care About

For some time now I've been making a list of books that have been helpful to me on my grief journey. I'm not finished yet (grieving or reading) but I wanted to share with you today a little book that is profound, powerful, and comforting. I would recommend it as a gift for anyone grieving the loss of a loved one. It has been in my bathroom (TMI?) since shortly after Jack's accident and has spoken truth to me and helped me have hope.

"Healing after Loss: Daily Meditations for Working Through Grief" by Martha Whitmore Hickman is a classic daily devotional. Each day starts with a quotation, poem, or Bible verse and is followed by several short paragraphs about grief. Each entry ends with a one line prayer or promise such as, "I will relax into the memory and spiritual presence of my loved one, and feel at peace" or "As often as I need to, I will tell my story."

The writing is conversant yet stunningly beautiful and gives the reader hope that healing (not forgetting!) really is possible.


  1. I looked at the preview pages, and could already see why you'd appreciate it. I will definitely keep this one in mind for anyone who might benefit.

    This is a little off the topic of books, and no pressure, but I'm curious if you have a "theme" for this year, or if you're continuing with last year's, or just kind of keeping all options open? Of course any of those would be good, just wondering...

  2. I am so glad that you have something that gives you comfort daily. xo

  3. Thank you for sharing. I put the book in my Amazon cart. It is nice to know about a good book choice to give to someone as a gift after loss.

  4. I had this book on my bed stand for two full years after our son died. It was my go to book, recommended by another mom I met in a Grieving Parents Workshop. It kept me from sinking into the abyss many, many times.

  5. I also like The One Year Book of HOPE, by Nancy Guthrie

  6. Thank you for the recommendation. My grandpa passed away in November and I'd like to give this to my grandma. They were married for over sixty years. It's a big adjustment for her.

    Michelle R.

  7. Perfect recommendation for my friend who recently lost her 20yr son (ironically named Jack). Thank-you.

  8. Thank-you for sharing this, Anna, and I am so happy that it gives you comfort. Thinking of you, Jack, and your family with Love,
    Lee Anne

  9. Oh Anna I am so glad it helped you! When I sent it I hoped it would but then I thought you might have already gotten lots of books like that and it might have just been added to the stack.
    Thank you for posting this. I have been meaning to send a copy to Tara and am going to make a point of doing it tonight!

    Love and Hugs,

  10. Did you read Frank DeFord's book about his daughter Alex? It's a beautiful book about grief and chronic disease and other things. (This is the Frank DeFord who comments on NPR weekend.) I think you'd love it. If you have a list of books about grief, I'm sure we'd all love to see it.

  11. Anna... You are a blessing to me. I eagerly wait for each post because I know that even in your darkest moments.... You reflect light to each of us. God's love is being shown through you .
    I just read a great book last night called And Life Comes Back. It's the true story of a young wife who's healthy 32 year old husband dies on the floor of their room . Her journey through love, loss and finding hope were so inspirational... I highly recommend it!

  12. Anna... You are a blessing to me. I eagerly wait for each post because I know that even in your darkest moments.... You reflect light to each of us. God's love is being shown through you .
    I just read a great book last night called And Life Comes Back. It's the true story of a young wife who's healthy 32 year old husband dies on the floor of their room . Her journey through love, loss and finding hope were so inspirational... I highly recommend it!

  13. Thank you for sharing what has given you comfort. xo

  14. This looks like an amazing find. I'll pin it in hopes that it can help someone.

    Love you.

  15. Sister Rose gave this to Brien and me and told me to take it one day at a time. It was such a precious gift and I still find comfort in it six years later.

    Good lord. Six years. :sigh:

  16. Thank you for this book title! I'm going to keep this one in mind for the future. xo

  17. This is at the top of my list as well. I read it faithfully after my daughter died. Just enough - and not too much.

    I will be reading it again.


  18. My friend L. also has that book in her bathroom. She has found great value in the daily devotions.

    Have you read or heard about Linda Hunt's book, Pilgrimage Through Loss? Here is a link:
