Sunday, October 13, 2013

Sunshine after the Storm: A Survival Guide for the Grieving Mother

I was honored to be asked to contribute to an anthology for grieving mothers. It is a survival guide for moms, with an emphasis on pregnancy and infant loss.

The release was timed to coincide with Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day, which is Oct 15. We will offer the eBook free on Amazon from Oct 13-17!

Here's the link!

The print version is coming out shortly, and I'll be sure to let you know when, because there must still be people out there like me who want to hold a book in their hands.

If you or someone you love would be blessed by the messages of this book, that you are not alone and that you can survive, please pass along the word.

Remember, FREE Oct 13-17. Let's get this book in the hands of those who need it.



  1. I heart you Anna! Hope you got the basement leaking problem resolved?? Thanks for sharing the link to the book!

  2. Thanks for sharing this information. I've posted it on my website so more bereaved moms will find out about it.

  3. Thank you, for reaching out your hand, in someone's darkness. I'm going to buy a copy, then mail it to you to sign it for me. I will hold it, until I meet someone, and I know in life, I will, who is looking for that light out of their tunnel. xo

  4. Your writing is already so inspirational, Anna. Glad you were a part of this project. You're one of my idols. xoxo

  5. I would love to read it! I don't read often enough to have a Kindle and I do like to hold a book in my hand. I always send my baby loss mother's over to read your blog. ((HUGS))

  6. Lovely sentiments. I sent it to two close friends and hope they find comfort within.

    Thank you.

  7. Got it! Congrats! And Thank You !

  8. Hi Anna, this is great news, thanks a lot for sharing. Unfortunately this is what Amazon says: "This title is not available for customers from your location in Africa"

    I live in Egypt, so please let us know when the paper copy is out, maybe then I'll be able to ask somebody to buy it for me.

    What you share give me deeper understanding of what grieving women go through. I'm a pastor's wife and sometimes I stand paralyses feeling unable to reach out and help a woman standing right next to me....

  9. @Riham, I'll find out about the paper copy! I think it's coming out very soon. xo

  10. Anna- I posted this on a SIDS/SUID support group so hopefully there were plenty of downloads. I am reading it now and plan to buy several copies once it is in paper form to give to some support groups to lend to their members.
    By any chance are a portion of the royalties earmarked for a charity?
