Tuesday, September 10, 2013

New Digs

So we made it through Sunday, Sept 8 which was the 2nd Crapiversary of losing Jack.

Thank you for your prayers and support. We had a quiet day at home. The past week meant moving, having Margaret start a new school and "age past" her older brother, and of course, the big crapiversary. The dread was palpable in the days leading up to it, but the only way out is through.

We received kind email and Facebook messages, as well as cards in the mail and other gestures of remembrance. THANK YOU.

Last week also meant my cell phone dying, and my getting shingles for the 3rd time! My head and back are sore and really itch. I'm recovering and trying to rest, so I may be scarce around here for a little while.

To tide us all over I thought I'd post some dark, blurry, cell phone pics of our new house.  Because that's what we are all looking for this Tuesday afternoon, right?


Dining room:

Kids' Pictures and jar of cicada exoskeletons:

 Office floor before:
 Office floor after. Will those piles of papers become a book?
 Living Room:

Family room. Not really crooked in person, I hope.
 Tufted titmouse out kitchen window. Hi little guy!
I'd love a do-over with the pics when I'm feeling better, okay? In person, the house is bright and cheery and much less blurry, I hope.



  1. The house looks fabulous. I'm not sure if you tire of hearing it, but I have to say that you are amazing. No one could imagine the hell you have endured. I tear up just thinking about it. But, you are going through it. And, you are a blessing to us all.....in so many ways.

  2. So happy to hear from you! LOVE the pictures! Beautiful! Thought of you so much this week.

    Many prayers.

  3. Lovely new house! I am in LOVE with your office. That would be my dream space, someday.

  4. I hope you are feeling better soon, Anna, many prayers your way! Your house is beautiful, as I would only expect from you! Interesting how your dining table area truly resembles the old house, with the window right next to it? Anyways, lovely home, and get well soon. P.S. I cannot wait for that book!


  5. Your new home looks beautiful, and I don't know if I'd ever leave that office. I've thought about you so much over the past several weeks… especially the bit you mentioned about Margaret aging past. Made my heart ache just thinking about it. You are never far away in my thoughts. Know you are being lifted up to the Father regularly in Knoxville, Tennessee. Hugs, friend, although not too tightly because of those effing shingles. Dang, that sux.

  6. The titmouse, you may not remember but that was the ornament I sent you, the first Christmas after Jack was gone. The tag said something about how the titmouse welcomes Jack Frost. Perhaps that means we will have many snow days ahead this year. Love you, hope you are well!

  7. Your house is gorgeous Anna. It really is, and yes, those pages will absolutely become a book. And I will treasure it when it comes out.

    I don't know what to say about the crapiversary except that my heart is heavy. I'm glad you are on the other side for this year.

  8. Man, you work fast!! Love your style, too!

    Off topic,but it finally hit me who you remind me of: Jessica Chastain. I think she's gorgeous, so I hope it's a compliment to you. :)

    Take care.

  9. Your new house looks lovely Anna. My thoughts and prayers were with you and your family this past Sunday. Take good care of yourself. :)

  10. I'm sorry about the shingles. I had that a few months ago. OUCH.

    Said tons of prayers for you all over the weekend. I brushed off my blue ribbon on the tree out front and as always prayed that peace will find you.

    Jack still lives on strong in our house and I hope that helps your soul to know.

  11. It's beautiful! I love your office built ins.

  12. Oh, but it LOOKS bright and cheery here, inviting. And yes to those pages. Yes.

  13. Beautiful! I love looking at other people's spaces, yours is lovely.

  14. The new house is amazing! Thought about you all weekend. I'd love to have an office like that someday - what a beautiful sanctuary to work on your book. xoxo

  15. I've been thinking of you all. That crapiversary just had to make itself known on your physical self, I guess.

    Those papers will become a book. A really beautiful book.

    Those exoskeletons may become...a terrifying craft project??

    Hope you heal quickly--the skin, the heart--all.

  16. Anna, your new space is very warm, cozy, and lovely. Now rest in it and get well, friend. Yes, those piles will in fact become a book but it doesn't have to happen this Tuesday. Or Wednesday. Thursday is a maybe. Cheers to a kickass job on making your decision, executing the plan, and breathing. Feel better soon.

  17. thinking of you... big hugs (((((hugs)))))

  18. Mazel Tov on the new house! I thought of you folks over this past week; I'm glad you made it through.

  19. Hi Anna. I don't know you personally, but came by your blog years ago through a mutual friend. I don't comment often, but always read and think about you and your family often - certainly when I notice beautiful birds and clouds that might be forming pictures. I am pregnant right now with my first (a girl!) and recently bought a pillow for the twin bed in the nursery with a bird on it, not unlike the patio pillows you posted, I think. My hope is that that pillow serves as a reminder to me to savor each moment and to keep what's important important... even when the baby is wailing in the wee hours of the morning. Sleep is not the most important thing... right? Thank you for so many examples of what love for your child looks like and feels like. -Ginna

  20. So sorry to hear that you're experiencing shingles (again, no less)! I had them three years ago and it was also in a move, from Pa to Va. Guess they have a mind of their own. :(
    Am praising God for your move-in and the very inviting-looking home for you all. I am a grandmother who remembers you and your family often in prayer and in gratitude as well. Please get all the rest you can.

  21. Love the house! Very homey! Thanks, for sharing the pics!

  22. I hope you're well on the mend, Anna. The house is beautiful and I'm so glad it's bringing light cheery newness!!

    I continue to lift you all in my prayers.

    Much Love!

  23. Just lots of hugs to you - for passing the crapiversary, for leaving your old home, for having the strength to write your book. Hugs, Hugs, Hugs.

  24. Your new home is beautiful. xoxo

  25. Anna...

    Beautiful. Just beautiful.

    Sending healing hugs, love, and prayers.

    With love (still) from the other side of town...

  26. Crapiversaries and non-aging birthdays suck. But your house is beautiful

  27. Looks like a beautiful home! Love the green wall color!! Hope you're feeling better soon :)

  28. What a stressful time for you Anna, no wonder you have come down with shingles. Hope you get better soon. I would go mental with itchiness! Good luck in your new house and have fun making it your home. thinking of you, Love Fiona

  29. Your house looks beautiful and I hope it brings you many wonderful new memories. You deserve it. I started reading your blog a few months after Jack passed away and I feel privileged to continue being able to read your story. Thank you for sharing your journey with us.

  30. Your house is beautiful. I know it was a difficult weekend - the crapiversary and your daughter aging past Jack. No way to escape it.

    My son died 28 years ago and it's still sad. Weird to type 28 because sometimes it still feels like yesterday. Still don't know how I lived thru the first 5 years. It's a blur. I probably would have been a blogging fool if the internet was invented back then! It's a great way to communicate and share. I love reading your writings and blog. I admire you and respect you.

    :-) Sending peace and love.


  31. What a beautiful home, Anna! Thought of you so much over this past week.


  32. What a beautiful house! Great spaces for all sorts of endeavors. Have been thinking of you & praying for you this past week. You have such a gift with words -- I think crapiversery is the perfect term for this kind of annual event. Again, I am so so sorry that you are forging ahead after the loss of your beautiful child. I can't imagine who much strength you must have (& how much the Holy Spirit has endowed) to get through this. Blessings on you & your family! Love, Gretchen

  33. The house is beautiful. So sorry about the shingles. (I hear they are horrible!)

    And Jack. I'm so glad you write this blog, because otherwise I wouldn't have 'known' him.

    Prayers for your family.


  34. Wow. Beautiful. How did you get so much done at your home already! And I can see how similar it is to your old place, amazing!

    You did it. You got through several more milestones. So much love pouring to you!

  35. I'm glad you got through it. Your house looks lovely.

  36. I thought about you guys and Jack this weekend. I hugged my guys a little closer and let Liam spread his legos all over the floor without nagging him to clean them up. I love the office in your new house and the kitchen looks awesome. Looking forward to hearing about all the new changes.

    Hang in there and thanks for the nice comments on my blog.

  37. So sorry about the shingles...and all of it. The house looks wonderful.

  38. Have been a lurker for a while and want to say I'm deeply sorry for Jack's loss. Like others, I thought of you guys a lot this week.

    You might want to get some L-Lysine (amino acid) to keep on hand for the shingles. Check out iherb.com for brands, reviews and dosages. Start low and slowly work your way up.

    Your new home's looking beautiful, hope it brings you peace and comfort.

  39. Beautiful. Love love love your office.
    Get well sooN!

  40. LOVE your new home, Anna! The family room and kitchen look so comfy and cozy. I don't know anything about shingles, but they do not sound fun at all. I hope they go away very soon. And I am positive that those papers you have piled up neatly along the wall of the office will be an incredible book someday. Which I can't wait to read. xoxo

  41. I'm glad the crapiversary came and went and now it's behind you.

    You're new home is just wonderful--thank you so much for taking the time to share when I'm sure there are ten million things you'd rather be doing.

    (The jar of cicada exoskeletons is just marvelous!)

  42. That looks like an awesome place! I especially love the built in bookshelves and desk. Oh, how I love them! I thought about you a lot this weekend. Big hugs!

  43. The house is beautiful, Anna. So full of light, in more ways than one. ;-) I'm so happy that you are happy there! Love, Christine

  44. "the house is bright and cheery and much less blurry, I hope."

    Much like life.

    i love seeing Jacks face in all the pictures. In all the pictures.


  45. Oh, honey...shingles 3x!? I had shingles for weeks after losing Austin. Think it was God's way to distract me, giving me physical pain to represent my broken heart. But I would never wish it on anyone and especially not 3x. Your home is beautiful and warm. May it bring you peace this season. Hugs...

  46. PS. LOVE your thought, "The only way out is through." So true!

  47. Looks beautiful!!! Your 'before' office picture looks like my 'always' office picture. Hope you feel better soon!

    NoVa Mom Jen

  48. Your new home is beautiful. Sending love and light from San Diego.

  49. Your new home looks lovely and it is decorated so cute! ((HUGS))

  50. Anna -- the house is gorgeous! I especially love the chalkboard "home" sign above the fireplace. Clever and cozy. Thought about you so much this week. I hope the shingles are on the mend and that Margaret is adjusting to the new house and new school year.

    ~Ashley in Louisiana

  51. I hope you feel better soon. The house is so beautiful!

  52. Your home is gorgeous and I love your style, especially that office. Love to you. xoxo

  53. I'm glad you made it through the anniversary. It must have been hard, even with all the love and support. Have fun settling in. Your new home is lovely! And feel better, dang it!


  54. I'm just in the recovery stage of my first round of shingles. Three sounds like a nightmare. I wasn't aware until I was at the doctor, but there is a shot to prevent the shingles. I'm getting it as soon as I am clear of all spots.

  55. Ok, first off, I'm extremely impressed at how unpacked you are and how together the house looks -- I've been in my house for 18 years and it still doesn't look as put together as yours! Glad to see you're settled in, and seem to be in a good place. I've been thinking of you and your family, hoping you'd make it through the 2-year milestone. One step at a time. You're an inspiration. Really.

  56. Just have to tell you that I've had shingles about a dozen times in the last 4 years... mine are mild ... always in the very same spot.... Your home looks lovely.

  57. Shingles for the third time? Stress does bring this on a lot. Look into certain vitamin supplements and alternative doctors for this to boost the immune system. This is a sign of a really poorly functioning immune system.

  58. Your new house is beautiful! Glad the move went well. I've been thinking of you all as you hit and passed the crapiversary date - sending you all virtual hugs!

  59. it's not if you will write a book, it is when. You are a gifted writer with a journey all too familiar to families across the country (globe). keeping scattering those pages ....

  60. Thinking of you this evening. Peace and prayers.

  61. Clearly, you've already got your house feeling like a home. That is amazing. It's beautiful. Sorry to hear of the things you had to deal with, but you and your family continue to be in my prayers.

  62. Anna! Your new home is green. Green means growth and newness. I absolutely love it. Fitting for this new season.

    An old friend was here on Sunday. Someone I haven't seen in over 5 years. She mentioned you and how she finds such inspiration in you and your story. She and her family are prayer warriors and you, Tim, and Margaret are always in their prayers. I thought you would want to know.

    You're never far from my thoughts and prayers either. xo

  63. I absolutely LOVE your dining area, the striped walls, the high white chairs. WOW.

  64. I love, love the new house and the crooked pictures.;) And heck yeah those papers will become a book - a book that I can't wait to hold in my hands.
    And shingles?! Awful! I hope you feel better very, very soon.
