Friday, January 11, 2013

Summertime Smiles


You know Jack was quirky and funny, right? I was going through some papers yesterday (the kids' Christmas lists over the years, doodles, and drawings) and I found a little sign from an impromptu lemonade stand they held on our culdesac with their specialcousins when Jack was 10 and Margaret 8.

The sale was rather uneventful until my good friend had to call 911 because her preschooler ate a Hershey's kiss with almonds out of the one of the "candy cups" for sale. She was afraid her daughter might have a nut allergy like her 2 older children, so she called for back-up.

Fortunately, little B was fine! The lemonade stand kids then had the added bonus of selling their wares to the hunky (my observation) firemen who showed up with their rig. They pulled in $10 cold cash!

Last night I was looking at the little sign Jack made using scrap paper and a colored pencil, and I smiled thinking of the creativity and fun he brought to our lives.

The top says:

Spend Money Here
Loli-Pop .10
Candy Cups .50
Lemonade .25
Brownies .50
Laffy Taffy .10

Underneath it says:
Kiddie Menu:
Loli-Pop Licks .01
Brownie Bites .25
Lemonade Sips .05
(no chugging or pay extra)
How enterprising. So many smiles.



  1. Mother Teresa said, "Peace begins with a smile." Keep smiling! Have a peaceful weekend!

  2. How absolutely precious! That needs to be framed in a special place. Your posts always remind me to enjoy my time with my son as much as possible...even after three years my heart aches when I send him to my ex every other day.

  3. That made me visualize the scene & it made me smile!

  4. No chugging or pay extra is so precious! So happy you have these treasures.

  5. So adorable. He always sounds like such a sweet kid, so how appropriate that this is about desserts. After the holidays, I have to give those a rest, so I'll take all the calorie-free sweetness I can get. Wishing you a good weekend.

  6. One must always pay to chug. It's only right.

  7. What a sweet memory! Thanks for the smile. Hugs to you!

  8. Chugging!? Funny in such a gross way! Did he get any customers for licking, biting, or sipping? What an awesome kid.

  9. Anna - I saw this today and thought about you, and of course Jack...thought you would like it. You are amazing!

  10. So hilarious! And the last part just slays me!!

    Just wanted to say that you 3 will be in my prayers this coming year, as you were in the last one.

  11. LOVE the two entrepreneurs and Jack's financial savvy--how ever would they turn a profit if they allowed chugging?!

  12. That made my morning. As another commenter said, I could see the whole scene in my head. Have a great Saturday!

    ~Ashley in Louisiana

  13. So cute Anna! This put a smile on my face!

  14. Jack's creativity never disappoints! On a completely different subject, has anyone ever told you that you look like Jessica Chastain? She keeps popping up with all the academy awards talk, etc. and I think of you each time!

  15. Wow, so funny and clever and cute! I've been speechless for so long over here, but I keep reading. Jack continues to be a daily blessing in my life. I live near Legoland, but I went there for the first time just a couple weeks ago. I couldn't help imagine the joy your sweet innovative son must have experienced when he was there. And I marveled at the fact that I could feel so close to someone I never met. Thank you for sharing him with us!

  16. your proof that NOTHING should go to the trash! So glad you kept that, sweet sweet memories!

  17. So neat! A clever, creative kiddo for sure! :)

  18. So beautifully creative! Hilarious :) Thank you for sharing this preciousness, Anna!

  19. I love the lollipop licks! such a great, funny idea. Thank you for sharing it with us.

  20. Such great memories you have. Definitely a gift from God. Stay strong and never forget you are not alone. God bless.

  21. There's no one like Jack.

    I'm glad I have a picture of him on my fridge so I can show people when I talk about him.

    Love you from way over here.

  22. I'm also glad I have a picture of Jack on my fridge!!! For each time I walk up to it, he is staring right at me with that GORGEOUS SMILE!!!! What a sweet-sweet story...he was so creative.
    HUGE SMILE after reading this!! xo

  23. Too cute! I'm guessing you've heard this one, but I couldn't help but think of it when I read this. Abigail says that Jack invented and sold "Pocket Gerunds" (aka silly phrases with gerunds) to the boys in their class for 10 cents each. So... Jack used his creativity to make them smile and got paid for it!

    Love you! Karen

  24. I have a picture of Jack on my fridge to!!!! much love. Thanks for sharing.

  25. You are amazing. And him? I want to eat HIM up!! Love that boy.

  26. That is just precious - it made me smile! :)

  27. That is adorable! Did anyone buy a lollipop lick?

  28. Definitely enterprising. I can't believe he had prices for the kids and the adults. Too cute!
