Friday, December 14, 2012

The Horror

Praying for the families of the precious children and teachers in CT who were murdered today. Holding space for them in my heart, as I know you are too. Love you.


  1. I was immediately thinking of you and your horrible night.

    Awful, awful,awful....we weep with those who weep.

    Lisa G. in CT

  2. Is it wrong to think that Jack is holding the hands of these scared children, comforting them in Heaven? Sending thoughts of love and comfort to you and family on what must be a hard night.

  3. I can't even find words. Praying...

  4. I was thinking of you as well. Weeping weeping weeeping

    mccgoods in CT

  5. I thought about you today while I was thinking about those parents in Sandy Hook. Hugs to you Anna.

  6. Thank you, Anna, for creating a space for us to mourn together - for you, for others who post here, and for the families of the children and teachers in CT. After reading the stories on the web, I sat here crying. And then I turned to your blog, knowing it would provide comfort. It has.

    God bless those affected by this horrific event. My heart and my prayers are with them.

  7. Six men, young to middle age, have taken their lives in the past six weeks in my community. As much as their families and friends grieve in stunned shock, I can only wish that this young man had decided to exit in a peaceable way, alone. I cannot fathom the mind nor heart of such murderous rage. May God's grace and mercy hold these families and loved ones close and safe through this grievous loss.

  8. I'm so sorry. I can't find words, either.

  9. I am a kindergarten teacher. My 14 "kinder babies" and I made gingerbread houses today. At least 3 of them said "Mrs. Daggar, this is the best day ever." I can't imagine the horror. They are so sweet and innocent, it makes me sick to my stomach. Praying.....

  10. I have been in tears all day. Praying with you.

  11. Was thinking of you today. And I'm holding a space in my heart for you, too (read your beautiful, heartfelt post about the photo albums/baby book). Sending love...

  12. Thought of you today. Reliving.

  13. Amen.

    My heart hurts and aches. The senselessness of it all.

    Prayers for all.

  14. Thought of you immediately when I heard today's news. I hope all the families know how the whole country is holding them in our hearts. But right now it's probably too early for them to realize anything except the immense terrible pain.

  15. I thought of you right away, Anna, and how you know, How you know the horrificness of this.

    IT's so sad, I can't understand it.

    So sad.

  16. Amen- I thought of you when I heard this news- xo Diana

  17. I thought if I knew a parent that had a child there, I'd send them to your blog.

  18. Hearts forever shattered. I thought of you yesterday when I heard of the tragic shootings.
    Keeping everyone in my thoughts and prayers. ((HUGS))

  19. With tears streaming down my face, I am holding space in my heart. My heart aches as if this happened in my own community. From one mother's heart to another, you are loved.

  20. It is unspeakably sad. The violence, the grief, the shattered futures, the survivor's nightmares. All of it makes my insides ache. I know you know. Much love to you, to them.


  21. No words to describe our heart ache...Praying for the children in the arms of our heavenly Father, and for the heartbroken parents left behind....

  22. Love to those families and thoughts fail me even.

  23. I am with you in holding that space in my heart for those families. So awful and sad. There are no words prayers.

    Just prayers and the comforting knowledge that those 20 precious little souls (along with their 6 staff/teacher/heroes) are with God now.

  24. I send all 4 of my kids off each morning and leave them with a kiss and a hug and a feeling of your safe for 8 hours. Now I'm scared to death. Such a horrible act. Prayers for all the families involved and also prayers for the parents on Monday. It's not going to be easy.

  25. I hope Jack is the first one they meet.

  26. Yes. Holding space for all. And for you. So much love.

  27. I thought of your family immediately, Anna, and it made me cry all over again. Thinking of them, of you, of everything.

  28. It's helping me to read posts like this - we are so far removed.

  29. I am holding space and love and grief. And I hold the same for you.

  30. I have been holding it together for my own first grade, Jack, and his 4.5 year old brother all weekend. All news, newspapers, newsradio, off and out of the way. It is after they are safely asleep that I allow myself to read and watch the news and images. I have been overwhelmed with grief and openly sobbing for the victims and their families. I have had a sick pit in my stomach since Friday.

    I walked my first grader to the schools front door this morning. Every parent had the head nod and glazed look while the sweet kids were as enthusiastic as ever. Our beloved Prinicpal gave me the thumbs up from the crosswalk while a police car sat behind her in the park across the street facing our school. When I got back to my car--I lost it. I cried. As I drived the short distance home that song "we will remember..' came on the radio and sat in the car crying before going in to face my preschooler and get him ready for his school day....a Blue Jay came out of the bushes near my car. I haven't seen one of those in two months.

    Of course- I thought of your Jack. It gave me hope and solace. With a heavy heart today, NoVa Jen

  31. Very sad! that ur heart knows how deep this hurt goes,(Sandy) I tought of u as well, and thought, wish these parents could read ur blog, althought as painful as it has been for you, I believe u can minister healin to them. Bless ur family, still prayn for ya'll and always will.

  32. I am praying for them and I am praying for your family. I hope some how, some way, you all feel it.

  33. I was thinking of you and your blog. Like some cultures seem to come together and collectively wail at senseless loss of life, I feel that your blog is a place like that. We can wail and weep here, and feel your community joining with us. I think this helps us to heal. Never to be the same again, but maybe to heal enough to be able to find some joy again.

  34. Keep thinking of you, praying for these families and for yours over and over.

  35. I hope that the grief I hold might ease some of theirs, though I doubt it. I fervently hope that the prayers I offer up for their healing may ease their pain even some infinitesimal amount.

  36. When I heard this news, you were the very first person I thought of.....I remember thinking "Connecticut needs Anna". Because you are a testament to hope and a future. God bless you, Tim and Margaret, Anna. I know that your heart will heal in its own time and that your family will heal and be whole again someday when you are all reunited. Until then, please know that you touch so many lives in a positive, healthy way and that we who are touched send our love and strength to your family to buoy you up whenever you need it!
