Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Who Has 2 Thumbs and Is Going to Have a Great Year in 6th Grade?


Yes, I'm a PROUD Mama!


  1. She's truly a beautiful girl and I can see her "light" and Christ's Light shining through her smile and her eyes. I loved the sweet pictures and could also remember Jack wedged-in the other sidelight of your door last year. He's smiling while you're preparing for another school year and loves you all. God bless and have a wonderful new year in school; goodbye old year. I praise the Lord with you for His strength in this. Philippians 4:13.

  2. She's truly a beautiful girl and I can see her "light" and Christ's Light shining through her smile and her eyes. I loved the sweet pictures and could also remember Jack wedged-in the other sidelight of your door last year. He's smiling while you're preparing for another school year and loves you all. God bless and have a wonderful new year in school; goodbye old year. I praise the Lord with you for His strength in this. Philippians 4:13.

  3. Absolutely beautiful. May she have a wonderful year!

  4. brave a beautiful. you should be proud.

  5. Have a wonderful year Margaret!

  6. She is remarkable, and so are you. You are all uppermost in my thoughts this week.

  7. Too cute. I love family traditions. I wonder who started the foot photo.

  8. She looks beautiful! And the picture of your shoes and Shadow's paw made me LAUGH!

  9. What marvelous photos!

    Prayers for a wonderful, fantastic year for Margaret...

    and prayers for you all (never far from my thoughts....)

  10. I'm always thinking of you all, but much more the last few days because of back to school. I don't have children but have been seeing all my friends post their children's back to school photos and all I can think of is Jack. I don't comment on your blogs but I'm one of those people that still follows you, loves you, is sad for you, and always wish I had the power of turning back time for you. Sending much love, luck and good energy to Margaret this year.

  11. She is beautiful - wishing and praying for a wonderful 6th grade year.

    You all are in my thoughts often this week - sending love and prayers.

    Lisa G. in CT

  12. And you should be!!!

    Love the pics, she is so sweet!!

    Praying for all of you and can't get you off my mind.


  13. best of luck, margaret! she is such a beautiful girl!

  14. She's so beautiful and I love the family foot/paw picture! Adorable!

  15. She is so stunning! 6th grade. So dang sweet xoxo

  16. How bittersweet!! Lots of extra prayers for you all in September.

  17. Go girl! 6th grade is a BIG year. She's going to love it.

    P.S. I love that she continues to rock the Sambas. Nice choice, Margaret! (or Anna, maybe?)

  18. She's beautiful, inside and out:) All my thoughts and prayers for you and your family this week.

  19. Love the pics specially the one with the shoes and paw!

  20. Such a beautiful girl! The pictures were fantastic. Wishing her a wonderful school year!

  21. I can't even imagine how hard it was to do these pictures this year. They look great!

  22. I used to teach sixth grade at a private school... she looks like she could be one of my students, and I wish she was so I could meet her!

    God, bless Margaret with an incredible year full of new discovery, sound learning, and sweet healing for her sister's heart. And may an abundance of peace that passes all understanding be with this family today and always.

  23. LOVE HER!!! haha... Her face makes me smile :-)

  24. Oh have I been thinking of you more so lately!!!!

    Just want you to know I have never stopped praying and appreciating all the great things Jack has brought to my life!

    Your daughter is adorable!!!



  25. I can see God's light shining from her face. Job well done Anna and Tim. Blessings and warm hugs from me to you.

  26. Oh, happy first day of school to Margaret! I am thinking of you and yours this week. xo

  27. You go Margaret!! Have a great year. You're all in my thoughts and prayers. <3 Sharon

  28. I hope she has a terrific year. She is so adorable and cute!

  29. She is so beautiful Anna! I hope she has a great year!

  30. 6th grade, ahhh the memories. I hope she has a great year. She is way too cute.

  31. You have every reason to be proud of this remarkable young lady! Hope it was a fabulous 1st day!

  32. She is seriously cute! I love her smile. She looks ready to take on the world.

  33. Just beautiful. I think of you every day. My thoughts are with you and your family.

  34. Have a great year Margaret, will pray for you and your family every day

  35. YAY for Margaret! Wishing you all the best love and friendships too!

  36. Great pictures!!!

    Praying Margaret has a wonderful 6th grade year!!!!

  37. Oh the beginning of middle school - such fun times ahead of her! She (and you) will have a fabulous year, I just know it.

  38. she's really growing up. she's so beautiful.
    hope she has a wonderful day
    Fiona xx

  39. We are cheering from here - always! xo

  40. That girl's personality shines through every photo. What a character you've got! Praying extra hard this week. xoxo

  41. I saw some of these on FB and she is just glowing and gorgeous.
    Anna, just know you're on my mind and heart like crazy today. Love you.

  42. Exquisite young lady, from the inside out. No wonder you're a proud mama! Just love those freckles and the slight Princess Diana head tilt.

    The third picture took my breath away.


  43. soooo cute! what a personality that comes through the camera, whew!

    i've seen lots of fresh new blue ribbons around town and watching the weather forecast this week with anxiety. Hope the week is not only bearable, but I'm praying that you receive a comforting sign from your sweet Jack. you certainly have loads of extra prayers from many people just for your family... I'm sure of it.

  44. Wonderful to see Margaret's beautiful smile. You have done well by her. Family foot pic was a great idea for doing something different.

    Best wishes for a good school year for all of you. Jack would be smiling fondly.

    -- Joan in PA

  45. Have a blessed 6th grade year Margaret! You rock!


  46. Have a great year, Margaret!

  47. She is so spunky and gorgeous. I hope she has a great year. We are thinking of you this week Anna!!!

  48. Awesome pictures and the one with Shadow's paw is so funny.

    Thinking of you always and even more this week.


  49. Awwwww.............she's all kinds of beaming cuteness.

  50. You and your family have so much grace! Margaret looks so ready and optimistic. So much courage to smile through what must have been a really difficult tradition to continue. Peace be with you all this week.

  51. She is beautiful, inside and out. It makes me happy to see her radiant smile -- that she is capable of real joy, despite her tremendous loss. Prayers to you all.

  52. Momma Lioness MicheleSeptember 5, 2012 at 6:52 PM

    She is absolutely adorable! Wishing Margaret a fantastic school year! My heart aches for your family this week. Be kind to yourselves. Thinking of you in NY.

  53. That smile, those freckles, that hair! Your daughter is stunning, simply stunning. I also love the feet/paw photo. I love your family. You have taught me so much.

  54. She is so beautiful Anna! You can see the light just shining out of her. You are doing a wonderful job.

  55. With one very lucky teacher waiting in the wings ;-)

  56. Happy happy first day of school!! Here's to a good year for her. And you! xx

  57. What a cutie, she has grown so much the last year! Praying for you all and thinking of you all the time!

  58. I haven't posted in almost a year, since I first found your blog (through Momastery I think), but I have followed you since then and am constantly amazed by your bravery, strength and love for your family.

    Margaret is a beautiful girl - and one who is clearly loved. Wishing her, and all of you, hope, happiness and peace in the coming year.

    Thinking of you all this week,

  59. Beautiful Margaret, have a wonderful 6th grade year!

    I am in awe of your strength and love for your family. And grace. Sending many prayers.

  60. What a beauty. Love the foot photo. Ahem. Foot and Paw photo.

  61. LOVE this!! It made my day. She looks great Anna. Love you guys.

  62. Oh, wow, she is absolutely beaming! foot/paw photo hee hee!

  63. These photos make my so happy and kill me at the same time. I can only imagine how happy and hard at the same time for you as a family. Prayer, prayer and more prayer.....

  64. Beautiful Margaret. The light spills out of you in every picture.

  65. she is so pretty, looks like her moma. Thanks for sharing. Mary in NY

  66. She is beautiful--and quite a ham. I hope she has a terrific year!!

    Thinking of you all....

  67. Proud and amazing mom! Unconditional love!

    So lovely seeing all these pictures! You are also so brave.

  68. She is so beautiful and charming. What a strength and comfort she must be to your family.

  69. What a beauty she is, Anna! I having been thinking about you all.

  70. an absolute doll! and what a strong girl. best of luck in 6th grade!

  71. Rhonda, Vienna community member and JMU alum, just a friend from afar...September 6, 2012 at 6:32 PM

    Hi Anna,

    You all slipped through my thoughts until I saw a post from Momastery on FB tonight, then I had to skip over here and see how you were doing. It broke my heart - I burst into tears - to see the pics of Margaret standing alone for this year's back to school shots, b/c my introduction to your family and Jack came last year after the news...when I sought out your blog and the first images that I saw were the great pics of the kids from the beginning of the last school year. It sounds like you all are doing as well as you can be, and I am happy for you that you have found some sources of comfort and joy. God bless you.

  72. Margaret is a beautiful girl. What a light shines through her! I hope she has a strong year.

    Your family has been on my heart today, Anna. I hope you all have a strong year. My prayers and love.

  73. We are praying for you & your family, it's amazing that a year has passed. I am just as heartbroken for you today as I was one year ago.... Just remember that there are so many people out there praying for you & sending love. Xo

  74. Thinking of you and sending hugs and prayers for your family.

  75. What a beautiful day, and such a beautiful girl. You show us all such grace and love. Thank you for your honesty and generosity in sharing your heart. She is going to have a wonderful year- having such love in a home is the best launch of all!

  76. Thinking about you today. Praying for strength.

  77. Been thinking about you a lot this morning and praying for peace and comfort. Blessings to your beautiful family.

  78. Go ahead Margaret! Get your sixth grade on! lol. She is so lovely, thank you for sharing these pics with us. Blessings to you all.


  79. Praying that her year is wonderful. Love the picture at the end was my favorite!!

  80. Beautiful!!!

    But I have to admit...after reading your blog, your stories about your children, losing Jack, the after-affects of that tragedy, your daughter going through her own grief...i have to admit, the picture of the feet...with one foot missing...made me cry for you.

  81. Holy moly, BEAUTIFUL! WOW. Wow wow wow what a sweetie!
