Friday, June 15, 2012

We are doing okay. I promise. Not much to write today, but I thought I'd ask for special prayers for Tim on Father's Day. I know I can count on you!

I thought I'd leave you with some Friday eye candy of the cute kid variety:

Have a beautiful weekend!


  1. I had already thought of Tim and Father's Day this year. Prayers for him and for all of you.

  2. Praying...
    Glad to hear you're doing ok - we do worry.

    Lisa G. in CT

  3. Will do. And he is so beautiful, beyond words. xoxo

  4. Dear Anna,
    We will be praying for Tim and all of you this weekend. LOVE the pics--thank you for sharing Jack's sparkle with us.

    Much Love, Dawn

  5. Praying for him and you all as always. Jack's eyes are amazing, they are just FULL of soul xxx

  6. Anna...

    Have already been praying for Tim for this weekend. Always do... and will be surrounding him with even more prayers on Father's Day.

    Hugs, prayers, and love to you, Tim, and Margaret, from the other side of town

  7. Happy Father's Day, Tim. We will pray for you, as always. Spend the day with your beautiful Margaret. Jack is always with you, I'm sure you know. xo

  8. Praying. Love you all. Jack does sparkle. And his eyes are full of soul. I am so glad you have been a picture taker, and that readers are able to see him shine through these pictures. Love, love, love you. XOXOXO

  9. Your readers do see Jack shine through his pictures. And we love him through your words.

    (I'm always taken by his eyes. Those deep brown eyes have stories in there, an old soul?)

    Will be thinking of Tim this Father's Day and keeping you all close in a prayerful heart.

    Glad to hear you are doing okay.


  10. Since praying is all I can do for you, I am glad you asked.

  11. Praying Tim has many sweet memories on Sunday. Love the jack pictures!

  12. Praying for all of you. I hope Tim and Margaret have a very special day together.

  13. Beautiful pictures. Prayers on their way. x

  14. Thinking of Tim and your whole family on Father's Day. I was in Lake Tahoe, California last weekend and my children and I saw so many beautiful birds and it made me think of your son. Amazing that I've never met your family yet you've touched my life and so many lives. You have given us all a beautiful gift in sharing your story. Thank you.


  15. It has been a real comfort to read about how the men of the community have made a special effort to reach out to him, and I trust that this weekend will be no exception. Fatherhood is every bit as precious as motherhood, and Tim has such a big heart. I have already been praying about Tim and Father's Day, just like your other readers.

    God bless you.

  16. a fatherload of prayers here! thanks for asking.

    and eye candy. my goodness. total beauty. i love looking at jack.

  17. Jack is such a beautiful boy. Your family will be in my heart this weekend, as it has been for many months. Strength and comfort to you all, especially Tim. I hope that Jack sends a special message and that you guys recognize it.

  18. Happy Father's Day to Tim. Take good care of him, girls!


  19. Having been checking your blog daily, and missed you for the last couple of days. Another tough weekend ahead for you all, but I know God will bless you with the strength to get through - and I have no doubts that Jack will let you know he is there with you. Blessings to you all....

  20. Praying for you as always. Beautiful pictures! Love and hugs!

  21. love the pics!..... glad you were/are a picture taker! Definitely praying for you all!

  22. Can't get you guys out of my head. My prayers are with you all.

  23. Have already been thinking and praying for you guys with the weekend coming ahead. I know it's hard and praying for extra peace and comfort, especially foe Tim.

    My daughter and I have been finding cicada shells literally just hanging off of stuff. She is a little freaked out by them. I showed her the pic of Jack from your Cicada Springtime post. Just love that boy even though we never met.

    Taking a small bit of comfort knowing that our kids who have reached heaven before us are with our heavenly father who created them. He loves them so much and know He is lavishing them with love, peace, joy and happiness.

    Love you and your sweet family,

  24. So precious! Sweet, sweet candy for the eyes, but such an ache for the heart. We will be praying for Tim especially. Hugs and a prayer, xtx

  25. Precious photos of Jack. It's okay to be quiet. Your always on my mind and in my prayers. I will definitely say some special prayers for Tim. Take care.

  26. Many prayers now and always. I love the pictures of Jack.

  27. Oh my goodness, that Jack is one gorgeous boy. I will be praying for Tim, for sure. Sending you all hugs and prayers.

  28. I will be sending love and good thoughts to Tim on father's day. Thanks for sharing the photos of your beautiful boy.

  29. Anna,
    You all continue to be in our hearts and prayers.

  30. Continued prayers for you and your family especially your husband on Father's Day.

  31. Oh Lord in heaven, Jack is one beautiful child. Prayers, and more prayers. Huge gigantic cyber hugs to all of you.

  32. Prayers for Tim? Night and day........Ms. Inch of Gray.

  33. I certainly will be thinking of him on Sunday, prayers for all of you. Glad to hear you are doing ok.

  34. I was wondering. You can count on me for tomorrow.

  35. Wonderful pictures. Prayers on the way for Tim and all of you. ....and the Yankees are in town. I'll root for them, just this weekend, for Tim and Jack ( and I'm a Nats fan so this is big!)

  36. Absolutely thinking of your family and Tim. Bless you all.

  37. Sending so much love to all of you!!

  38. Praying for Tim tomorrow. The pictures are just ridiculous!! xo

  39. Yes, we all do worry because we all really care.....

    Sending out love and special prayers for Tim this Father's Day.....

    You are all in our thoughts and prayers.

  40. I have been thinking and praying of you all this week. What a beautiful brown eyed boy!
    Much love,

  41. Your family is so often on my mind ~ with extra special thoughts and prayers for Tim this weekend.

    Jack is so beautiful. That brown eyed angel of yours surely has half of Heaven swooning.

  42. Thinking of Tim and of all of you. xxox

  43. Oh, sweet lady, wonderful family, yes, prayers to all of you.


  44. Thank you for the eye candy, and thank you for letting us know how to pray. Romans 15:13

  45. I have been thinking about and praying for all of you, and especially Tim, as this weekend approached. Praying that God floods you all with many special memories to combat the sadness of your loss. I also wanted you to know that as a result of your honesty about grief and how to love those who are grieving, I am much more able to reach out. This Mother's and Fathers day I sent out a whole handful of cards to those for whom the days will be difficult. I would have been too afraid to do it before, but you gave me the courage to reach out and not worry so much about "doing it right" but just to do it and let God use it. Several people have thanked me, so I thank you.

  46. Sending prayers and positive thoughts Tim's way...and thank you for sharing more pictures of Jack.

  47. Handsome, beautiful, smart, spirited little boys who love their Mother's a d sister's deeply do so because they have Father's who set an example. They have Father's who teach them how to love, respect and treat women. They live the values they teach and their son's see this and soak it in. It is not magic. There is no spectacular parenting theory at play. It is simple. Boys learn to love their Mother's and sister's because their Father's loves them so well.

    Happy Father's Day Tim. While I am certain your heart is still so broken at the loss of your beloved boy. It is clear from what I have read that he adored his mother and sister so well because of they way you do!

  48. Wishing Tim a Happy Father's day. God bless Tim and your family,
    And a message to Margaret! You are a joy!

  49. I had already prayed for Tim before I saw this. We've got you covered, friend!

  50. Just came on specifically to say that I was thinking of Tim today. I can only imagine how this day must feel for him. Wish it was not this way. Know that words only provide a small amount of comfort.

  51. I so wish I had taken half as many pictures of my babies when they were smaller. The love you all share is palpable. Wishing for peace & praying for blessings for Tim this Father's Day. xoxoxo, michelle

  52. What a beautiful boy! Wow, those eyes! Thinking and praying for you both on Father's day.

  53. I hope the day wasn't too hard - I can't imagine all these firsts you guys have to go through. Love the pictures. Those brown eyes! That button nose!

  54. You, Tim and Margaret were in my thoughts and prayers on the last day of school, as well as on Father's Day. Doing "ok" is fine, I can't imagine the grief that comes with special days. You guys are so loved and Jack will never be forgotten.

  55. Thanks for posting the pics of your adorable boy. They make me cry...for so many different reasons.

    Anyway, just wanted you to know I was praying specifically for your hubby this past Sunday. Love from Texas.

  56. I just read about the flooding and devastation in Minnesota and thought of you guys. I am sure this does not help your grief. Just wanted you to know I am thinking about you!

  57. I'm glad you have a lot of photos so as to remember.
