Friday, October 21, 2011

I'm a Belieber, Part 2

Thank you for all you are doing to help put a smile on Margaret's face by somehow connecting her to Justin Bieber. I am humbled and grateful.

As several of you have pointed out, Justin Bieber will be on the Today Show November 23! I am convinced we can get Margaret invited up to see him perform. If you are willing and able, please send emails, tweet, call in connections, and cajole.

Thank you so much for your continued support.

And please keep praying for us...we can feel it!


  1. You got it! Tweeting away! You don't even have to ask for the prayers...they are always coming.

  2. Everyone can go here to email the Today show:

    I sent my email, fingers crossed they contact you! from Harrisville, PA

  3. You can also go here to submit a story idea. Select TODAY and then STORY IDEA. I just did it and begged and pleaded. This WILL HAPPEN!!!

  4. I just left a comment on the Today Shows contact page.

  5. hmmmm...a woman I used to work with at Nordstrom was JUST on The Today show yesterday doing a segment on outerwear! I'll call in my Nordstrom connections to see if she can get in touch with the show producers that she worked with....stay tuned!!!

  6. I have a friend who is a regular contributor to the Today Show and is appearing this week/weekend with a Halloween segment. Let me see if she can do anything.

  7. She will get there--I just know it! Beiber is in her near future. ;)

  8. Though I dont tell you in every coment that I am always praying for the four of you........ITS A GIVEN!!!!!!


  9. Trying, with the help of my children, to figure Twitter out. So lost, lol. Going to email the Today show. Enlisting the help of twittering friends. Covering each of you in prayer.

  10. Emailing the Today Show! Prayers are continuously being said for you all...will not stop. You all are amazing. Keep hanging on.

  11. Tweet tweet
    Email email
    Miracle miracle

  12. Hi Anna -
    A quick note for you and your family. I woke up in the middle of the night last night after a disturbing dream. My thoughts turned immediately to you and your husband and it brought me to pray for you, to pray for your husband, and the wake ups and rough nights that you are no doubt experiencing. I pray that if you have not already had one, that a peaceful nights sleep will be in your near future. Tonight, I hope.

    -A Sister in Christ-

  13. So many people are working their connections and their social media vehicles. Something has to come through right??

  14. Anna, I wasn't a follower until I read about the loss of your son on another blog. Since then, I have felt the need to read,very attentively, every word you have written about how you are making it through each day with out him. Now, you're words and stories are becoming a comfort to my children. Five days ago, they lost their dad to a hit and run driver. Many of your words came to me to help them through the last few days and I'm sure they will continue to help. I just wanted you to know that your family, and your beautiful son, have just touched and helped heal another family. Thank you and please keep writing.

  15. I just reached out to my friend who works on the Today show. Hopefully she can help.

  16. Keeping you all in our prayers.

  17. we love you Anna, Erica

  18. Still tweeting, facebooking, commenting, emailing, praying and hoping!!! Margaret will meet Justin Bieber, it is just going to take a little faith and a whole lot of support from all over. We can do it!!

  19. I pray your Beiber prayers are heard, but I also pray that he is well behaved and gracious. Just plan for the possibility that he might not be so sweet Margaret is not too disappointed. Celebrities are not known for their sensitivity.

  20. I emailed the Today show. Sorry, I'm still a Twitter-phobe, but emailing might be the best thing to do anyway. Good luck. Hugs to you all!

  21. Also if you need friends to help you navigate New York, hang out with you, hold your hands, take you to lunch, etc. while you're here for the Today show? (Because this so WILL happen.) I'm here in NYC and it would be my honor to be there for you guys.

  22. i rarely ever call in favors, but i think i might have one that can help, so i will try.

    good luck.

  23. I will keep praying. And see if there is anything in my bag of tricks for the 23rd....

  24. I've emailed my friend who used to be a publicist for the Today show and her husband was a producer. Maybe they still know someone!

  25. You are still held close in my heart with many many prayers being said.

    Just take it one moment at a time, one breath at a time.

    Many hugs to you.

  26. Emailing everyone I can think of...

  27. As a fellow Canadian, I'm sure I have geography as a connection. ;)
    I went ahead and tweeted the 'beebs...and included a link to your post. #gomargaret

  28. Sent a email to the Today show and hoping and praying this wish comes true for Margaret - much needed smiles and sunshine for this beautiful little girl. Always praying for the family....

  29. Apparently, he'll also be on Jay Leno on 31st October and Ellen DeGeneres 1st November

  30. Ooh, this one sounds do-able. There are so many connections among your readers. Please get in touch if you end up in NYC.
