Saturday, August 27, 2011

Vacation Round-up

Dear Readers,

Thank you for weighing in on whether or not I should read the bathroom copies of Us Weekly, etc., on my beach vacation. For the record, I did NOT. Considering, however, that we got evacuated Thursday morning because of Hurricane Irene, there's really no telling if I would have held-out had we stayed at the beach an entire week.

Highlights of the trip:

Hanging out playing cards and drinking wine with dear friends.

Reading Oliver Twist aloud in the car.

Watching back to back episodes of Friday Night Lights thanks to Tom and Netflix.

Private pool.

Perfect Weather, impending hurricane notwithstanding.

Date night with Tom. Out by 5:30, back by 6:30. Are we sizzling or what?

Yes, I'm wearing a shirt.
Speaking of back by 6:30, when I saw the pics Molly took of us before we left, I realized I was having An Inch of Gray Emergency. Nothing like capping off a hot date with some Root Touch Up on the deck. What a guy!

North Carolina Aquarium. We even saw box turtles mating.

Evacuation Trip to Great Wolf Lodge.
My face looked a lot like the kids' did when I realized that after almost a week of earnest-- okay obsessive-- lice prevention at the beach house (plastic bags, sequestered pillows, lots of laundry), I would have to rest my weary head at a KIDDIE RESORT. Oy vey.

Fine dining.

Yes, that's leftover beach house fridge salad, saved in a cooler for dinner at Great Wolf Lodge. Tom wanted to pizza delivery; I wanted the buffet. He thought the buffet was too expensive. Soooo, we ordered the kids the buffet and we adults sat there with ice water, scowling at each other.

Instead of breaking down and ordering, which I really should have done, I stuffed my face on bag salad, cheese, and Oreos back in the room, before falling asleep in bed-- with Molly. Nothing like keeping the aggressive in passive/aggressive.

Tom and the kids had fun on the awesome slides...

but none of us feels compelled to go again. It just wasn't really our vibe. If we're not even going to spring for meals there, you can bet the resort didn't get buy-in from us for: building our own wolves, having a robot serve us ice cream, getting kiddie pedicures, filling plastic cups with candy ($8!), and sporting temporary tattoos.

Let's remember that when Tom took Jake to Legoland in California, he bought him a $3 Lego mini-figure as a souvenir, and when I took Molly to the American Girl Doll Store in NYC, I got out of there having spent just $19. I would tell you that our entire honeymoon cruise bar tab amounted to $2.50, but that's simply too depressing.

Simply put, it was time to come home.

So now we're home, the laundry is in the machine, and we're awaiting a hurricane that may or may not batter the East Coast.

And you? What are YOU doing as summer winds down?


  1. As I sit in my very hot house, with a broken air conditioner, that pool looks awesome!

  2. Where is the picture of Anna jumping? Hm?

    School started this week, and I am tired.'s gorgeous here, so Brad and I are going to the zoo! (Where I will not jump!)

  3. Okay...guess we're not going to the zoo, our passes have expired. I'm a cheap sister too!

  4. Isn't is crazy how some vacations can be so very far - far, far, far - from a vacation?

  5. Ha! Your money spending sounds like ours, along with the passive aggressive results. Home starts to sound pretty good huh?

  6. Summer ended for us almost two weeks ago now, which is about when I should have touched up my own roots, so I have to get to that. My sister wanted me to book a trip to that wet, wild lodge with her and her two kids - just us and four kids - and I nixed that quick after checking out the website. I don't need that much moisture sucking the life out of me or the buffet sucking out my wallet. I'm the type of girl who might have tried to scrounge up a coupon to lower the price of your honeymoon bar tab (and I can be super passive aggressive when the mood's right!), so I think you and I would get along splendidly!

  7. My fave part of this was your husband touching up your roots before going out! Classic!

  8. You are so pretty! So tan.

    I think I might just have to live my life with never going to a GWL. It sounds just sort of awful. Maybe kids like it (slides sound fun), but for picky adults maybe it's right up there with Chuck E Cheese?

    Your last hurrah for summer sounds like it was an overall success (minus a devastating hurricane and dinner feuding). Glad you got out for an hour with your hubba-hubba-husband too.


  9. I am winding down my Summer by doing yard work. Pulling weeds is an everending story. Thanks for sharing your holiday with us. The picture of your husband coloring your hair reminds me of the scene of "Out of Africa", when Robert Redford is washing Meryl Streep's hair. Very hot.

  10. Love that your husband touches up your roots...great picture.
    I'm just waiting, waiting for school and packing in some swimming lessons while we wait.
    Glad you guys are safe and sound.

  11. This was so funny. I love your date night. Laughed out loud and read that line to Chris. You crack me up.

    We haven't made it to Great Wolf Lodge yet... Maybe we'll just never get around to it?
