Sunday, January 9, 2011

Hippy New Year

I've seen a lot of comments by friends on Facebook and read a few articles in the paper about how annoying it is to regular gym-goers when, in the New Year, gym Newbies show up to start a workout routine.

The first few weeks of January are marked by Newbies: hogging favored treadmills, forgetting to wipe sweat off of equipment, and talking loudly on cell phones. I'm sure the list goes on, but since I haven't been inside a gym in, ummm, a while, I'll let it stand at that, or ask you for your 2 cents.

Let me just say, out of heart-felt consideration for long-time fitness devotees, I have decided to sacrifice my own well-being and forgo breaking my years-long exercise fast.

Am I considerate, or what?


  1. Your giving nature brings such a tear to my eye...

  2. Ha, yes I see a lot of newbies at the gym these days but I don't mind them at all - I only hope they'll continue and not quit after the first month. After all, I was once a Newbie myself.

    If you somehow show up at my gym, I promise I won't roll my eyes at you and perhaps I'll even direct you to the paper towels if you're not sure where they are...

  3. I made a comment on twitter about this whole, "ugh the gym is so crowded sentiment".

    As someone that is committed to their health (the hardcore gym goer and complainer) wouldn't it be better to celebrate your tribe growing. Less people sitting on the couch and more people working on changing their lives???

    But that's just me. I don't belong to a gym. I'm an armchair gym goer philosopher.

  4. I wanted to read the comments but not actually comment... then I saw what the word verification word was, and I had to comment just so I could make fun of it. It's fusphoo right now. :)

    I will also not be terrorizing the regular gym-goers with my presence. That's mostly due to my huge preggo belly and my increasing love for the couch.


  5. Pshaw... I haven't been in a gym for years. I wish I had the money or the willpower to be one of those obnoxious newbies! Although I wouldn't be so crass as to sweat. Pfft. I'm a lady, after all. We glow.

  6. hee hee... I've been conflicted about whether to complain or be compassionate. I love going to the gym but have not always been able to... it is a precious privilege for me when I can afford a good exercise class.

    Yes, I was a little miffed this morning when a new chick (in a totally overloaded class that was starting late because so many new people didnt realize that the class can't start ON time if they dont get set up BEFORE time) TOLD, but didn't ask, me to move my mat. But I very patiently moved a bit and explained a more sensible way to stagger them... neat rows isnt always the way to go.

    On the other hand, I have been taking my daughters with me since the new year. And I am very grateful to all those who have been patient with 3 teenagers who hate shoes with laces and bouncing balls. No team sports for them. They need all the support they can get to find a 'fit' lifestyle.

  7. How very thoughtful of you!

    I used to be a regular gym goer, but I never felt comfortable. The weight lifting area was intimidating with large, shiny men and the classes were crowded with stuck up, barely dressed women. I did have a favorite treadmill, though. :) Now, I'm luck enough to have an elliptical and some weights in our house. I just need to use it...

  8. So considerate! Gyms were for my twenties - early twenties at that. Now, it's kids and walking when I can squish it in. And driving everywhere counts for something, right?

  9. well, let me just say that when I arrived at the gym on Saturday (I'm a daily gal) I had NEVER seen the childcare center more crowded. My kids are definitely used to the drop-off, and they usually love it, but my four-year-old just stood by the door crying because of the chaos. However, when I got upstairs and into the workout area I could't help but notice that it was quite sparse considering what I had witnessed downstairs. I was left with only one possible solution, the parents of Austin are on to us! Everyone has discovered that you can get daily VERY inexpensive childcare for two hours, sure you can choose to b responsible and workout...or there's the jacuzzi, or the sauna, or the cafe, or the TV in the locker room...

    As a mother of five small children I must say I am just grateful for the break, I don't care who else is there as long as I can get some peace! Oh, and thank you Lifetime Fitness!

  10. Anna, that IS considerate! How kind of you!!! Man and here I was thinking I was the only nice person for not signing up at the gym!

  11. I keep waiting for the crowds to show up in my living room and work out with one of my DVDs in front of my TV, but it's weird how they're not around. I keep waiting and waiting, giving them lots of space and all that, but I get the feeling I'm just going to resign myself to do it myself and scoot over if someone else shows up to flail horribly at this Zumba game I just got (where 'just got' means 'a month ago' and where 'a month ago' means 'almost two months ago.')

  12. I went to the gym every day during the holidays - in hopes that it would offset my daily overindulging where festive food was concerned. And I went most days before that to tire my children out in the "kids' gym" since it's so cold I can't bear to be outside with them. And I've barely noticed the "newbies" since January 1. Of course, I was probably too busy talking loudly on my cell phone and neglecting to wipe down machines.

    Happy 2011 (said through mouthfuls of chocolate chips from my freezer)!

  13. Loved this. I was tempted there for a minute to (re-)join the gym since it's a new year and all. But then I decided that that wouldn't be fair to the poor neglected workout videos, stack of 3-5 lb. weights, and yoga mat that are collecting dust somewhere in my garage.


  14. I'm one of those new year newbies, have been for years. Zumba grabbed me this year, but I may fall off the wagon earlier than usual because I think (I hope) my kids got a nasty stomach bug from the Y childcare facility.... (:
