Monday, December 13, 2010

Tender Snuggle-Time Conversation

11 yr old son: Mom, why aren't you funny in real life like you are on your blog?


Holy Crap, he reads my blog!? With Pubic hair? Potty talk? Perimenopause galore? Quickly ascertains he has read only the few posts I've shared with him. Whew.

What do you mean? Auntie (my sister) thinks I'm hilarious. Other people think I'm funny.

11 yr old son: Ehhh...I don't think so, Mom. I've never heard you say one funny thing in my entire life.

Sheesh. Tough Crowd.


  1. Ok now you can read him this post, it's super funny!

    Hmm but then you'd have to bleep the parts about pubic hair maybe not so funny!

  2. Oh man, the pressure's on to be funny now isn't it!?

  3. Don't you just love how honest kids are? I sometimes think it's an over-rated virtue. ;)

  4. Here's how I look at it - until my kid stops telling me the same knock knock joke over and over, he can work his room, and I can work mine!


  5. Kids really tell it as they see it. I think you're funny and love reading your blog. My 17 year old said to me the other day, I know why you just don't buy those readers because then it reconfirms you are old, ugh thanks!

  6. I changed the name of my blog 2x because the kids found it. How on earth could I gripe about them if they were reading???
    An I'm WaaaaaaaaY more funny in text, blogs and email...I don't know why either?

  7. I don't know if this makes any sense but your posts about your kids always make me want to have kids, stat!!

  8. That IS a tough crowd. But I think you're funny... and remember what kids think is funny tends to involve farts, poop and Adam Sandler.

  9. ...and Auntie still thinks you are hilarious!!

  10. You are hilarious. Probably better to be appreciated by other people your age than elementary school kids anyway.
