Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Leave a Teachable Moment Alone

Jake had been complaining that he'd heard a lot of cussing from boys his age lately.

He said, "I'm afraid I'm going to begin thinking all those words are just normal parts of conversation."

Seizing on the teachable moment, I said, "Well, this is a good life lesson for you. The same thing will happen when you are a teenager with smoking and sex, but you need to be different."

"What? Are you saying teenagers have sex with their girlfriends?!?"




  1. I'm really trying to learn this life lesson: Talk. Less. Think first. Thanks for reminding me why. Also, where's a time-machine when you need one?

  2. So funny! I have two toddler boys, so I'm not there, yet, but I know it's coming...and before I'm ready for it. :)

  3. Ha! Oh my goodness, that is priceless!

  4. Oh great. Now you've done it. Jake's going to be having teenage sex, complete with the poist-coital smoke. Please tell us Molly wasn't in the room!


  5. Smilinggggggggg............!!! OOOps!

    love, kelee

    ok just go write for Modern Family or one of those shows

  6. So funny! But how sweet that he is worried about saying bad words.

  7. So funny in that I can't believe I just did that kind of way. Love it.

  8. I love that my oldest, who will be 13 by summer's end, still informs me when someone uses curse words around him, that he can't repeat the conversation "because they used bad words, Mom."

    I am, however, getting concerned that girls are starting to seem far more appealing to him then they used to. That veiled sex talk happens all the time around here!

  9. When bad language is always at the tip of tongues, it's scary. Good job, mum.

  10. That is hilarious! I guess those kinds of questions will arise at some point and I doubt we'll ever feel ready for them, perhaps you should choose to just be glad he heard it from you. Goodness knows our kids will all learn all sorts of true and untrue things from their peers :)!

  11. Hilarious! I did something similar when my niece asked me about that thing on my parent's boy dog. Ahhhh!

  12. Oh, bless his little innocent heart.

  13. Yikes!

    Enjoy his innocence while you can!

  14. I like this a lot. So many times we don't need to explain stuff or talk further about it. There's an instinct to keep going, I do it even with my toddler, try to pull him into my world instead of joining him in his.

  15. LOL!


  16. I don't even want to tell you about the mess I got into with my first child and a similar question! Let's just leave it at the fact that she responded "ewwww" several times.

  17. I think it's GREAT that he's not wanting to be like all of the other boys and have those words in their vocabulary. Although, the sex part probably could have waited a few more years. ;)
