Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Divine Ms. O

So which do you think is weirder? Kitty's Kelley's revelation that Oprah had a passionate love affair with John Tesh, or that Oprah downed 2 pecan pies in one sitting?

I'm going with Tesh since I, myself, am not unfamiliar with what can happen when one is left alone with a pie and a fork.


  1. Haha. I was JUST reading an article about this book, and how the author has been blacklisted from pretty much all TV shows.

    I bet Wendy Williams will have her on.

  2. That is on the news right now! who cares if she had an affair with John Tesh or ate 8 pies in one sitting!

  3. I don't find the pecan pie-athon strange at all! Exchange chocolate for pecan and I'm ALL there. Tesh, on the other hand? Eh...

  4. i'm with christy. eh.
    i don't have a hard time envisioning O with a coupla pies. and not even the fork!

  5. I can't believe that Oprah would stop at 2

  6. I cannot believe what people will put in their books about other people to make them sale. Really who cares Oprah does so much good that she can do not wrong.

  7. I am not worshipping at the O Altar, but I just wish the Kitty Kelleys of this world a big boil on their butts. It's tabloid in hardback. Ick.

    And John Tesh? When was this? He is a Christian now and unless I am woefully behind on gossip, his present wife and he were actually "waiting" until their honeymoon and announced it on the talk shows. I find that laudable, yet a little creepy, too. I mean, is nothing off limits to talk about? Ick again.

  8. I totally laughed out loud at your admission. I am no stranger to the dangers of a pie and a fork either.

  9. I don't know about this book...if its not in someones blog I don't know about it! I'd go with the pies...John Tesh....belch...she's got the hots for John Travolta I thought...

  10. I'm just shocked that there are any secrets left after Oprah has been on the air for 25 years!

  11. i definitely find pecan pie harder to resist than john tesh.

    oh my GOSH. my verification word is calling me names! it says perger. it knew i was talking about pie binging! scary.

  12. The John Tesh thing is bizarre!


  13. John "Vanilla Puddin'" Tesh passionate? Who knew. Well, I saw on the cover of a tabloid that Oprah has had it with Stedman and that Gayle was moving in. Hooray for them!

    And bring on the pie.

