Friday, December 11, 2009

Famous Last Words

In an effort to not turn into Fred Sanford, I put some of my grandpa’s old furniture online to sell. Imagine my delight when my first customer pulled up today, reeking of smoke. I guess my point about the furniture having always been in a smoke-free home wasn’t what reeled him in.

He was a creepy, thin, middle aged white man, with glasses and a quiet demeanor. Why didn’t I just suggest a serial killer on my posting? I kept mentioning how the furnace guy was on his way and how Shadow had a very aggressive streak (as she tried to lick his face).

On a positive note, he had a pick-up truck, not a panel truck, and he didn't tell me I looked like I had soft skin. Anyway, he left and will decide later today whether he wants the furniture (which I’m pretty much giving away). In the event that I am not heard from again, please tell Tom that this guy’s cell phone # is in our phone, I have an email trail, and it’s been a really wonderful life.

Thank you.


  1. Oh man he sounds CREEPY. You should post his craigslist screen name too, just in case. (just kidding!)

  2. Every piece of furniture has a story...Sounds like your grandfather's furniture may have an interesting future!

  3. Shadow looks positively ferocious! {{{shiver}}} any reminders of the paneled truck and soft skin still freak me out to this day. :)

  4. I have been watching that show Criminal Minds and it has freaked me out. No strangers in my house any-mo.

  5. You let him IN? Oh Anna. I'm sure you'll be fine. But next time, place your wares on the porch. For my sake.


  6. isn't craig's list kind of scary? it wigs me out.

  7. Yeah, that dog looks SUPER vicious. She's practically smiling.

  8. You are so brave! I could never do that....good thing you had Shadow!!!! Can't wait to hear if he called back.

  9. Yikes, if he does come back maybe you could just happen to have a neighbour over for coffee at the exact time he said he would be there! Good luck with the selling.

  10. One reason why I'm a little afraid of Craig's list...

  11. Oh Anna!

    You have such a talent for writing! You are so funny!

    Great story......even though I am sure you do have soft skin....

    love, kelee

    keep up the fun!

  12. A little duct tape and you're good to go with that chair.

  13. You can practically see that doggie tail wagging in that shot. Sca-a-a-ry.

  14. I always make sure my hubby is around during transactions through craigslist. Good luck! You are good for letting go of some of your treasures.

  15. Oooooo----creepy! Run away! Run away!!

    heh, heh.

  16. On a completely unrelated note, I love the train track in the picture. If the craigslist creep doesn't get you, those darn toys (just like in our house), might.

  17. Um, post please, because now I am starting to wonder/worry about you!


  18. OMG I need that chair! Did he come get it yet??
