Sunday, July 26, 2009

Vintage Train Cases

Rhoda over at Southern Hospitality gives readers a chance to show off their Thrifty Finds on Mondays. Here are mine:

I snagged these 2 vintage train cases seconds before my friend Theresa swooped down to get 3 or 4 more. I guess someone donated a slew to the thrift shop in one day. Cost: $1.50 each.

I thought they would be fun to put on the stairs to catch the assorted junk that piles up there. Realistically, they’ll remain open, because if they close, I’ll forget to carry things up. And when I say “I,” I mean it, because the other members in my household have no concept of carrying stuff up the stairs.

If I’m going to do the work, I might as well enjoy looking at these train cases while I do it.


  1. Anna--what a fantastic use for these little treasures! At $1.50 each, you did great! Hope to see you over my way soon...

  2. I can't believe you only paid $1.50 for those! What a neat idea to put them on the stairs. I remeber my granny always keeping hers on her bathroom vanity....full of makeup that I loved to play in :)

  3. You have got to be kidding? MAN, someone didn't know what a find they were selling did they?

  4. I have been searching for these with no luck, what a bargain you found! I am needing some to the heck do you spell that??? :)

  5. Great purchase, those cases are so cool. marla

  6. Good buy for only $1.50!!! I like 'em on the stairs, very creative. :) If you have a chance to stop by my blog, I have my 200th post Giveaway today with my Thrifty Treasures. :)

  7. Wow, great find at a great price. I love the idea of placing them on the stairs! Yay!

  8. i want a picture of how loaded they get before u decide to lug them up the stairs. That will be some bicep workout, I can promise you that

  9. Hi Anna !
    Great George !!
    Super Duper - Love it !
    Hugs ~ Kammy

  10. Oh I am so jealous I love old cases - I have no where to put them but I love them.

  11. What a great find and a phenomenal idea!! I wish I had about 4 or 5....

  12. I love these! What an awesome find!! I love train cases!

  13. Fantastic find! They look gorgeous as stuff catchers. :o)

  14. Train cases for $1.50? Girl, you stole them!! cute idea for the stair placement. Sue

  15. I can't believe you found those great cases for only 1.50 each!!!! Love them and what a great idea for them to be on the stairs!

  16. Hello Anna - what a steal of a deal for those cases! $1.50? Oh my. Thank you for sharing!


  17. I love your train cases! That's such a great idea, to have one on the stairs to catch all the things that need to go up or down. I just love using mine when we go somewhere overnight. Makes me feel so retro!

  18. I love them - and they're mirrored inside too. How pretty! And cheap! Love them!
